
Network Activity 3 - BlackSeaScene I 

Inventory of Data Quality Control (DQC) methods within Black Sea countries and EU and Data Quality Assessment on partners data

Specific objectives:
To determine the present quality of Black Sea datasets, managed by the regional partners, through inventory of Data Quality Control methods, comparison with EU standards and practices, and Data Quality Assessments at partners, and to harmonize the future quality of datasets by exploring and adopting common DQC and DQA methods (Workpackage NA3).

Expected results and impact on Black Sea and EU scientific community:
Tuning of DQC and DQA methods, in use in Black Sea region, to EU practices, which will be applied by partners. Existing datasets of partners classified with a Data Quality Label, which will be included in the metadata.
This will contribute to:
• Better comparability of the different types of Black Sea data & information: for similar data the best quality can be chosen and obtained. 
• Better environmental assessments on the Black Sea Ecosystem/Environment, because qualitative comparable data can be used.

Description of activities

The activities within NA3 are sub-divided as follows:

Task NA3-1: Inventory of Data Quality Methods and Procedures within the Black Sea countries and mutual comparison with European standards.
This task starts with inventory of Black Sea and European data quality procedures and data-quality assessment methods. Based on EU DQC methods and procedures to be introduced by the EU partners and taking into account the results of the inventory, a mutual comparison will be carried out, resulting in drafting of DQC and DQA guidelines for different types of Black Sea environmental and socio-economic data & information, including thematic maps and satellite images.

Task NA3-2: Drafting of common DQC methods and defining the guidelines for assessing and classifying the quality of the existing datasets of the Black Sea partners.
The results of the NA3-1 activities will be discussed in the special Data Quality Control and Quality Assessment Workshop (see NA2). This will lead in the following months towards guidelines for DQC / DQA methods in the Black Sea institutes harmonised towards EU practices in order to achieve comparable results. Also it will lead towards definition of the methods by which the Quality Control Assessment and Classification on existing Black Sea partner’s data will be executed, in order to determine a Data Quality Label (indication) for these datasets (activity NA3-3). One part of the deliverable will be a Data Quality Label / Classification reference system.  

Task NA3-3: Data Quality Assessment and Classification on Black Sea partner’s data
Following the guidelines and procedures, resulting from task NA3-2, the datasets of the Black Sea partners will be assessed and classified. All datasets will be provided with a Data Quality Label that will be included in the metadata records (separate meta-data field. Through this end-users will be informed about the quality of the data & information he or she is looking for.